What is Kraft Paper?
With growing public awareness of environmental issues, consumers are increasingly turning their loyalty to environmentally friendly companies and products. As a business owner, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the many new terms and products that have become popular over the years due to their eco-friendly label. If so much emptiness prevents you from taking ecological actions for your business, keep reading. We have chosen a versatile product, kraft paper, and explained the creation process to you in simple terms so you can understand exactly how it is made and what components make it environmentally friendly, as well as a better option than standard paper. Then we'll give you some suggestions on how to incorporate Kraft into your business.How Kraft paper is made
Kraft Paper products are manufactured using the wood pulp "fibrating" process, which, like other paper production methods, involves the chemical conversion of wood into wood pulp . The structural components of wood are lignin and cellulose . Since lignin is not a good paper, it must be separated from cellulose. To do this, wood chips are boiled forming a "white paste" made of sodium sulfide and sodium hydroxide . They break down lignin and cellulose, leaving behind solid wood pulp and a kind of "dark pulp" . The wood chips have been turned into pulp and are filtered to remove larger pieces. The pulp is washed to remove any residual cooking dirt and can then be transformed into many varied paper products.Why is Kraft paper better than Plain Paper?
So how is the Kraft Paper manufacturing process different from other paper production methods? Firstly, kraft paper is stronger , due to its reduced lignin content and high sulfur ratio . Nor is additional "bleaching" applied , which is what decreases the resistance of the paper and increases manufacturing costs .
And unlike other production methods, all types of wood can be used, including resinous pine and bamboo, which are left out of traditional papermaking processes. Additionally, due to the fact that almost all chemicals used in the process are recovered and reused , it is a self-sustaining method . The main byproducts that are not recycled are turpentine and tall oil, which are used for other manufacturing purposes. Now that you have the basic knowledge of how kraft paper is made, here are some ways you can implement it into your daily use. Don't worry, this is not only useful for the environment. Certain qualities of kraft material also make it very useful for these uses:
Uses of Kraft Paper
For Packaging
For your corporate image

For businesses
Kraft envelopes, bags and cases last longer. The low lignin of kraft paper makes it stronger and more durable than other materials ( Kraft is the German word for strength and resilience ).